Dr Eli Kotler

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What I Do

What I do

I am devoted to allowing people their freedom from their addictive tendencies, no matter the type of addiction. I work directly with people suffering from their addictions, and through educating others. Similarly, I work with people to uncover the ‘why’ of their addiction as opposed to focusing on reductive and restrictive diagnostic and treatment models. Through education, my hope is to impart a humanistic, trans-diagnostic and depth-psychological approach to understanding and treating addiction. This is crucial, as to treat something, one first needs to have a clear model of what it is.

What We Are Expert At

Legal Practice Areas

Speaking Engagements

I have had the opportunity to speak with many different people and groups. I speak regularly at conferences, have given a number of keynote talks, and have helped organise national conferences. I am part of the teaching faculty for the Certificate for Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy (Mind Medicine Institute), and am invited regularly to speak with groups of health professionals about mental health, addiction, trauma and psychedelic-assisted therapy. I have had the opportunity to consult leading sports organisations and help elite athletes with their addiction issues. Please contact me regarding speaking engagements.

Clinical Reviews for Addiction and treatment-resistant disorders

Whilst I do not have time available to see new patients on an ongoing basis, I am happy and interested to perform assessments on people suffering with addictions or treatment resistant mood, anxiety and ‘personality’ disorders. An assessment usually consists of 1 to 3 sessions, and can be conducted face-to-face or via video link. All sessions are eligible for rebates under medicare with a GP referral, though there is an out-of-pocket cost. My assessments are not diagnostic assessments (though I am happy to discuss diagnoses), rather focus on the ‘why’ of the addiction or mental health disorder. I try and help people uncover their own internal splits, conflicts and unresolved issues. Even when the underlying trauma is obvious, it can be the way a person has understood their trauma, or the way the mind is protecting itself from the trauma, which is blocking progress. I do believe that all people can theoretically recover from mental-illness, even chronic treatment-resistant ones.

Medico-legal Work

As an appointed Panellist for the Medical Panels of Victoria, and a regular independent examiner for WorkSafe Victoria, I have extensive experience with medico-legal assessments for a range of clients, and am available for medico-legal reports.

Professional And Experienced Psychiatrist

Choose only the best

Excellent Track Record

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Transparent Fees

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Unparalleled Client Service

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Client Consutations


Successful Recoveries


Professional Psychiatrist


Recovered Cost